Friday, September 26, 2008

First Day of School!

It is official. We have TWO school age children. Emma started 2nd Grade and James is in Kindergarten. My how time flies. It was a very exciting two days. James started first @ public school.. (he will join Emma next year) and Emma started the next day!

Storybook Land

Black and Whites

On one of the final days of summer, I was able to catch my children ( at first) just as they (usually) are. Laughing and joking with one another. Or, eating pop tarts. Depending on which moment you catch. Once they caught me in action, they were all for goofing off for me. Is it just me, or are these kids really cute?

James Turns Five!

James turned 5 on August 22nd! It is hard to believe ! He was absolutely certain that he wanted to have his party at the slot car place near his Daddy's work. So along we his closest friends and some family, away we went. Check out his cool cake!